How to Order | 5 steps only!
First step is to register with us as a member by clicking here.
All you need to do now is browse! You can search for something specific by using the search bar or if you’re looking for a particular type of item you can browse by category located along the top of the page. Our latest items are located under the WHAT’S NEW category link and you can filter your search by size and colour.
Once you have found the item you want, select your size and click on the ADD TO CART button. You can either click on the ‘Continue shopping’ button or review the items in your cart by clicking on ‘View cart & checkout’. If you’re happy with the items in your shopping bag, click ‘PROCEED TO CHECKOUT’ to complete your order. If you have a discount code you’d like to use, key it in the box provided before checking out.
If there’s a problem with order, our customer service representatives are more than happy to help you. Email us at or call +6019-309 7972.
You can either pay by: MOLPay Payment Gateway (Internet Banking such as Maybank2u, CIMB Clicks, Hong Leong Connect, RHB Now, Bank Islam Online, PBeBank, etc.) or PayPal. If you pay through PayPal, PayPal will provide automatic currency conversion based on the current rate for MYR. Kindly note PayPal’s currency conversion fee is added to the exchange rate, set by an external financial institution. Contact PayPal directly for more details regarding how they determine their currency conversion rates and fees.